Saturday, October 20, 2012

School is Cool.

So, those of you that read our blog and keep up with us, via facebook (which I, Haley, am starting to enjoy again!whoo hoooo!) know that we have had a hard time, well, not that hard, it could always be harder. :) but to catch you up on life, we don't  personally have car, our engine went out, and we sold it to the scrap yard, BUT we have been super super super blessed by many in our awesome community have allowed us to use their cars, we have been blown away by the kindness of people here. After praying and searching and searching for a part time job, and not having any luck, last week, a dad in our community asked if i would be open to watching their children, HELLO!!!! THANK YOU JESUS! the awesome thing about this, is I don't have to have a car, and I wont miss out on meetings that I am already apart of, I am so blown away by the Lord with this, that EVERY DETAIL...EVERY SINGLE DETAIL, THE LORD CARED ABOUT! At the start of this week, (Cory's fall break) I woke up on Monday, knowing that this week was going to be an awesome week! I woke up in a wonderful mood, pumped about life, and had a feeling that good was on the way. Monday, Cory got an awesome temporary part time job. He made a 100 on one of his exams,  and I woke up with the heart to go back to school. It seemed as each day was just like the one before, each day there was a new blessing.  I have learned alot this week. One, that the Lord really does care, He cares about the things that we do, the super small things. so much that He will have the worship leader at Church lead a song that your husband and you, were just listening to, that is old enough that no one really plays it anymore. The Lord cares! So to sum it up, The Lord is good, I have a part time job, so does Cory, so...that really means that we both have 2 jobs, lets not forget the awesome fact that we are now Youth Directors at an amazing Church!  AND, I am going back to school! I hated school, and the Lord changed that. I am going for my BS/PSY. I am super happy about that! The Lord has provided the funds for me to attend as of right now. YAY! YAY!YAY! 
   On a side note, we still don't have a personal car, we are doing our best to save money to find one, pelease keep praying for us, we would like to do all this, getting car, and school with out going to in debt.
   One thing that we have learned, is faith, we have had some pretty big hard lessons, when coming to faith, and we have had awesome people to help us on the way! Faith isnt just saying, "oh the Lord is good, I have faith, the Lord is faithful, if I just spend time with Him, and keep praying, and speaking thing into being then its going to happen." Now, I know something work that way, sometimes. But for us, that wasn't and isn't what the Lord has for us. Having faith for us, is DOING! STEPPING OUR AND DOING!,while spending time with the Lord, and praying, and having faith., we had to step out in faith, and what that looked like for us, was going after the job thing, seeking on line for HOURS and DAYS, filling out countless applications, not hearing back from anyone, but still going and doing, until the something happens. and for us, this step of faith has been amazing...."FAITH WITHOUT WORKS IS DEAD"(James 2:17) By us doing our part, seeking, not giving up, the Lord dropped jobs in our lap!

   Now with the School thing, it is only the Lord! For me, school has always been a challenge, it has always been super hard for me, to the point that in high school, I almost dropped out. The only other time I did "school" was when I did a year of on-line classes for Morning Star. (amazing! and it changed it my life) Still, I wasn't up for doing "real school" Then I woke up one day, and was ready, ready to look, and go for it, I had to push aside my doubts, the lies that I thought I couldn't do it, I wasn't smart enough, I had to push past things that people said about thinking I couldn't do it because it would mean that I wasn't "focused" enough and I would have to be more "discipline" and things like that, that can really bring a girl down. Pushing past all that mess, and actually being happy and totally stoked about getting into school, is HUGE! The Lord is so awesome, that He looks past all the mess, and allows you and helps you to see past all the mess, and see who you are, to see who and how HE made YOU to be. He takes away all the lies you have held onto, and He takes away all the things that have been said to, and about you, and He makes them awesome, beautiful, and wonderful, and more than anything that you can imagine!

The Lord is awesome, even in the hard times, when its hard to wake up and face the day, when everything YOU try to do, doesnt work, and it seems like the sky is falling...the Lord still cares! He sees us in those days, weeks, months years, how ever long it may be. He see. He cares. He does.
its a happy thought!

I  ask that you beautiful guys and gals that read this, please still pray for us, while the Lord is doing some awesome things, we still have some other things that are taking place, that are pretty hard to talk about, so I just ask that you pray for us, and while you are praying, if you something encouraging, please share it with us, we need your prayer and your encouragement. 

We love you!

Monday, October 8, 2012


    we made it!!!! we are here, we are in VA.Beach! we are at Regent, we made it! We have been here for almost 2 months, (sorry for just now getting to the bloggie blogness)
    We love it here! Cory is into the swing of things with school full time, doing a internship with Campus Ministries...(which is amazing!)  Winter's Past is up and going, I am loving being creative with the Lord!

     We are super happy and blessed to be apart of Riverbend Church, we are even more happy and blessed to able to dream and do life with them, and to be their Student Directors. We are dreaming right now, praying and hearing the Lord, please pray for us as we go on this awesome journey!

    Life here for us is really neat. The Lord is doing an amazing thing here, and in us. We have grown so much! The people that we have around us are wonderful. Its a different kind of life here, one that we have prayed for.

     we just celebrated our first year anniversary yesterday!!! Its already been a year!!! and what a year it has been. We have seen the Lord move in amazing ways.  we do have a prayer request for all those out there that read this....

               -our car died, as in the engine blew, we have some awesome people letting us use a car of theirs, until we can work something out.

Thank you guys so much for being amazing, and praying for us and being in our life! we love you.


Saturday, June 16, 2012


this fathers day, is different than most. I know I (Haley) said i would do an update when i had time. well, i have had time, but just not the words.

Last monday, the 11th, i was in wilmington with my mom and dad. i woke up and went and sat on the back porch with dad, like we do most mornings when cory and i were in town. We were talking about life, about cory, about marines, and army stuff, bike stuff, life stuff, the AT and hiking it again, Jesus and chruch, ect...i love talks with my dad..he is pretty wise for and old man. :)
a little bit later, mom comes out and joins in on the convo we were having. 

The doctors had changed dads meds a few weeks ago, and he was having a hard time adjusting to them, he had been acting a little stranger than normal. :)  but for real, he was moving slower, and just seemed pretty stoned most of the time. so mom called his dr. and they told him to check his blood pressure. We all hopped in the car and drove down to where Jared (my brother) works and got him to check it for dad, it was 70. and he couldn't get a bottom number, so he and dad thought that something was just wrong so they checked it again and it was the same...NOT GOOD! so...jared put him on oxygen, and that only got it up to 90...still no bottom number. sooo jared said that we could drive him to the ER or he would call the paramedics to a few mins later, the paramedics come...they do an EKG on dad, and well, Dad was having a heart attack right there! SOOO NOT GOOD! so in the ambulance they go, Jared, the paramedics, (who happen to be friends of jareds) and dad. mom and i hop in the car and follow them. I call cory, and tell him whats going on, He starts praying, mom asks me to call a lady that is one of my best friends, and ask her to pray, she prays with us on the phone, and i texted a few other people. (if you know me at all, you know how much i love my dad.) my thought was this is not okay, i cant loose my dad, he has to meet my children..(NO WE AREN'T PREGNANT. ( : )  other thoughts came to mind, but i couldnt focus on them...
We get to the hospital. Jared meets us at the ER, and feels us in, by the time the ambulance got to independence, (a road in wilimington)they did another EKG and dads heart was fine. the more mom and i thought about it, the more the timing of people praying and the time they got to Independence, He stopped having a heart attack...and that means... THE LORD HEALED HIM, AND STOPPED HIS HEART ATTACK!!!!
We we got to the ER with Jared, they had dad in the Cath Lab, and were doing a heart cath on him. We still wernt sure what was going on, we thought he wold have to have open heart surgery or something..they doctor comes out tells us that dad is fine. and they are keeping him over night... the only thing they could see was 50% blockage.  if we had been a few hours dad would be dead. 

The Lord IS real. He DOES answer prayers! I am still speechless at what happened. I still tear up talking/thinking about what happened. The Lord really does keep His promises. and He really is Love. So much in my heart has change. my view of the Lord has changed. i am over the petty stuff we thinking and say, and get upset about. I am over "blaming" the Lord for things. i am over only wanting Him when we need something. i am over only wanting him for what He can do for us. If He stopped doing things for me.  i would still want to know Him. I would stil want to know the depths of His heart, and His love. 
The Lord kept my dad alive. that is the best thing ever. i am not ready to lose him, i will never be ready to lose him. He has done so much for my family, things that most people dont get, and dont care to get. my dad is one of the best men  i know, along with my husband and my brother. I would want to know my dad even if he wasnt my dad. So this fathers day...i am blessed and so thankful to have my dad. 

Thank you so much for all those who prayed, thank you for all those who prayed and didnt know what was going on, thank you to all those who have been there for us. your prays changed things, your prayers helped save my dad. and for that i am so thankful, words cannot tell you how my heart towards feels towards you all. THANK YOU.

dad, i love you. i am so thankful for all that you have done for me, and the rest of us, i am thankful for your love and your wisdom. thank you for a wonderful childhood. for always loving unconditionally. for teaching us, and for loving us. thank you for time over seas, and all that you did, thank you for saving lives, and for providing us. Thank you for all you do. I am glad you are home for good, and that you are alive. :) Thanks for being awesome! i love you.

Monday, May 28, 2012

Half Way There

WE ARE HERE! Well, we are in New Bern!  Its been over a month since we blogged last. Our journey got shaken up, its been an awesome ride. The Lord has been super awesome in helping us on our way. The plan was to be our apartment when the middle of May, but inside we wanted out sooner, we found a sub leaser that wanted the apartment May 1st!!! so we had one week to get our stuff out! We had moved out the heavy stuff our, like our washer and dryer, couches, and all, with the help of some wonderful frineds, Josh, and Harrison.  The following week my mom came in town for a week to help with the "small" stuff...and by small, i mean a lot of small stuff. :) We had another friend come and hang out and help...the wonderful Miss. Candice!!! 
         About a month before we moved, we got some new neighbors, they changed our lives. They are such beautiful people!!! The welcomed us into their home, they would bring us food, the laughed with us, they helped us move also. when mom came up she was able to meet them. it was a beautiful time, that we will always hold dear to our hearts! The Lord knew when needed some good neighbors to help us get through the last few weeks and packing and life, and He sent us the family He did, We are so thankful. For me, (Haley) they were the hardest to say goodbye too, they touched my heart in a way, i am not sure it will ever be touched again. We love you Mike, Cleo and Zain!!!!
         New Bern is awesome! Cory is working full time on base here (Cherry Point) and he loves it! I get to see him alot more, i get to go and have lunch with him. We are spending this summer, getting to know each other more, and becoming even closer friends than we already are. :) We are super blessed to be staying with Jen and Eric for the summer, they have welcomed us, and helped with this huge life transition! We are soooo thankful!!
           Cory and I went camping this weekend! I was nice to get away, get away from everyday life, and just be in outdoors and with each other, and with the Lord. It was so neat seeing families just hanging out with each other, and really enjoying it! there was a dad there, with his son for a father/son camping trip, there was families with babies, and toddlers, then there were family with younger kids, and teens, and they just all did there own thing! and everyone was sooo nice! Cory and i were able to talk, hang out, laugh, make fires, and walk on the "beach". We are learning to really treasure the times we have. 
          We are in  New Bern until late July, and then to the Outter Banks for a few weeks, and then we are off to VA.Beach in Aug! Please keep us in your prayer, and let us know how we can pray for you! We love you!

::here are some pictures, some from camping, and some random::

Saturday, April 7, 2012

six months ago

6 months ago, i married this man. this was us after planning our wedding in the middle of hurricane Irene. 

Sunday, April 1, 2012

"BUT there on VACATION!"

Cory and I were able to to get away and take a few days for a vacation. It was much more needed that we thought. if you read the last blog i know how busy Cory is, and how much is going on. so to be able to go away was AWESOME. and we had a blast. The Lord is awesome, and showed us so much on this trip,brought us even closer to each other, and showed us what we are really doing,and what its really all about, Change is coming! but for! (some of them might be "you had to be there to get it" but trust us, we laughed...pretty much the whole time!!! it was great! we love you!

(some of the pictures on out of always...but you will get the idea)


We have to eat before the fun starts. :)

he finally got his motorcycle.
i love this picture!


BABA GHANNOUJ!corys yummies...(i had a wonderful salad)

watch out nascar!!! i am in first place!Thats right...i won! first place!

he cried in the movie...haha, not really, i was using the flash alot.
we were the only ones in the theater.
VOOOM VOOM (this goes with the "fastest lap" thats down a few pics)
for dad. :)
yes!!!! the LORAX!!!
whooo super funness
making an "H"
making a letter "C"
made a car...raced it...and it lost. :( sad time.
talking to Harrison!
yummmmmmy food at a super fun fancy place!!! the bar tender make me my own drink, cause i didn't know what i wanted...all i did know what i didnt want i got mint and good.
cory got the fastest lap!
So, we found a super good deal on a brunch on sunday this nice resturant...we are going to keep the name of the place unknown... :) we got there at 12...sat near this wonderful water, sun shinning! it was great...the place opened...and we went in line...with about 20 to 30 other people to be seated..turns have to have reservations! so...we got on the list for a later time...and then went in played at REI (pictures to follow) when we got back, there was no line, we got seated right away, ordered a sweet tea and a water, and went to the buffet. there wasnt much food, so we just thought they were bringing more out, so we just got what they had and went and sat down, no biggie...then...we ate the food...some was good, some...welll...lets just say...if i didnt like chocolate before now....i realllllly dont like it now...chocolate filled bread thank you!!! We got back up to go see if they had put anything else out...nope...just people standing waiting just like us...then this tall man walks over,and looks at us, and i was like "HEY! we are just waiting on the food! " ITs over we ran out of food, go sit down and order an omelet" "wait so, there's no more brunch? its not over till 4...the foods gone?" "Yes, just go sit down, order an omelet. your waiter will take care of you"(we never even got a waiter, the sweet hostess had to do everything for us) so...we go and sit down...5 mins pass...10 mins pass...nothing...nothing at all, then a waiter goes by...and we ask for our check...then the tall man comes back and says, " i just brought out a beautiful lamb would you like it?" "no thank you, we are ready to go" "really? i am sorry, dont worry about paying." what?!?!?! super cool! we were really surprised! so we get up, and tip the hostess...cause she helped up the mostest. (hehe) and the tall man was standing by her, and he tells us to come back some other time, and she says is a sad/empathetic heart felt way "BUT THEY ARE ON VACATION!" it made us giggle, and i think she would be the only reason we would go back to the no food on the buffet place!
This was just a cool picture looked alot differnt in person...but we like it. :)
He is cute. I like him.

We found an R.E.I Store...and we are now part of a CO-OP! The store was like a candy store to Cory. the bike he is "test driving" was about 1, now he can say it road bike that was that much. :)

you see...Coldstones is where Cory took me on our "first" date...although, we count the walk the night before the first date. :) end our super awesome fun mini vacation...we went to Coldstone!